Congratulations on completing this Mini Challenge. In addition to the points you’ve earned, you have also learned a lot about how physical and mental/emotional health are connected. You’ve learned the importance of:

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Mindfulness and gratitude

And don’t forget, you can always do any of the other Mini Challenges to keep challenging yourself to better health.

  • Check out the Salt and Sugar Mini Challenges to continue working on boosting your Gut-Brain Connection.
  • If you want to stay on track with your exercise, check out the Plank Mini Challenge.
  • If you found the Mindfulness and Gratitude activities helpful, be sure to check out the Happiness Mini Challenge.

Please consult with your physician prior to starting any kind of diet, exercise or wellness program. This program is not intended to give medical, nutritional or wellness advice.