Staying active can benefit so many aspects of your health and can even prevent physical and mental health symptoms from worsening. It is important to incorporate exercise daily to ensure your body and your mind are healthy. This week you will learn more about the importance of exercise to your overall wellbeing and work to start making changes that will help you incorporate more activity into your daily routine.
Action Step:
Read the Exercise Fact Sheet
Learn more about the important role that exercise plays in brain function. Also, be sure to check out the Resources & Tools link at the top for more great resources to help you this week.
Action Step:
Complete the When Changing Exercise is Hard Worksheet
Make time today to complete the "When Changing Exercise is Hard" worksheet. These questions will help you think about how to incorporate more activity into your daily life and why it's important for you to do so.
Action Step:
Make a plan for the next few weeks to incorporate exercise into your routine. It may be helpful to add this time on your calendar so that you have the time already dedicated in your day.
Action Step:
Get moving
Focus on finding ways to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine. Remember, exercise doesn’t have to be done for hours on end; just 30 minutes per day (all at once or 2, 15-minute blocks) will make a big difference.
Hint: This is also a great way to earn more Move points in the Core Points section. There are also some great tools in the Helpful Websites & Apps section for Move that can help you keep track of your workouts and get more ideas on how to get moving.