Action Step:
Read the Diet and Nutrition Fact Sheet
Learn more about the science that is linking nutrition to mental health. Also, be sure to check out the Resources & Tools link at the top for more great resources to help you this week.
Action Step:
Complete the When Changing Diet is Hard Worksheet
Take some time today to complete the "When Changing Diet is Hard" worksheet. These questions will help you think through how you can incorporate healthier choices and why it is important to you.
Action Step:
Review and complete your Mental Health Grocery List
Certain foods provide the nutrition your brain and body need to function at their best. Diets that incorporate omega 3 fatty acids, b vitamins, folic acid, vitamin D, prebiotics and probiotics help improve mood, reduce inflammation, and reduce signs of depression; while diets high in processed, sugary, and fatty foods do the opposite.
Review the Mental Health Grocery List to learn which foods are backed by scientific research to affect brain health.
Create a plan to incorporate these foods into your meals for the next six weeks. Make sure to use your answers from Day 2 to help motivate and remind yourself why you are working on this goal!
Hint: This is also a great way to earn more Fuel points in the Core Points section. There are also some great tools in the Helpful Websites & Apps section for Fuel that can help you keep track of what you are eating.